
Legal defence

Legal defence

General, economic, financial, transportation criminal law… we intervene in all areas of criminal law and accompany our clients every step along the way:


This measure can be taken against you during an inquiry if there are plausible grounds to believe that you have committed a crime or crimes. Throughout this time - from a minimum of 24 hours to a maximum of 96 hours – you are denied your freedom and kept at the disposal of the investigators. We can help you from the beginning and throughout your hearings.vos auditions.

Judicial investigation

Lead by an investigating judge who can decide to charge you if there are serious and substantial claims that you were in involved in a crime or crimes.

You could also be given the status of ‘assisted witness’. If you are the victim of a crime, you can file a complaint to this magistrate with civil action proceedings.

In all of these situations, we can intervene for you to defend your interests.

Correctional and criminal hearings

Following the inquiry, you can be sent before a court of law, Correctional Tribunal, competent in judging crimes; Criminal Court, which judges the facts qualifying the crime. We will defend you during these court hearings.

Court appearance for advance admission of guilt (Comparution sur reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité - CRPC)

This is a procedure reserved for simple cases where the accused accepts involvement. Your appearance before the prosecutor is expected and a sentence is put forward. If you have accepted the prosecutor’s sentence, it will possibly be approved by a judge that same day. We will advise and help you throughout this procedure.

Sentencing adjustment hearing

After the procedure, your legal situation, personal and private, is taken into account. The sentence announced could be an arrangement allowing you to avoid an incarceration period. We advise and aid you throughout this final procedure, which takes place before the judge for the enforcement of sentences and/or the sentence enforcement court.

The law firm can intervene in all legal jurisdictions nationally. We have a network of legal peers, whom we can call upon in the event of an emergency.